Thursday, February 28, 2013


Data migration is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. Data migration is usually performed programmatically to achieve an automated migration, freeing up human resources from tedious tasks. It is required when organizations or individuals change computer systems or upgrade to new systems, or when systems merge (such as when the organizations that use them undergo a merger or takeover).

To achieve an effective data migration procedure, data on the old system is mapped to the new system providing a design for data extraction and data loading. The design relates old data formats to the new system's formats and requirements. Programmatic data migration may involve many phases but it minimally includes data extraction where data is read from the old system and data loading where data is written to the new system.

If a decision has been made to provide a set input file specification for loading data onto the target system, this allows a pre-load 'data validation' step to be put in place, interrupting the standard E(T)L process. Such a data validation process can be designed to interrogate the data to be transferred, to ensure that it meets the predefined criteria of the target environment, and the input file specification. An alternative strategy is to have on-the-fly data validation occurring at the point of loading, which can be designed to report on load rejection errors as the load progresses. However, in the event that the extracted and transformed data elements are highly 'integrated' with one another, and the presence of all extracted data in the target system is essential to system functionality, this strategy can have detrimental, and not easily quantifiable effects.

After loading into the new system, results are subjected to data verification to determine whether data was accurately translated, is complete, and supports processes in the new system. During verification, there may be a need for a parallel run of both systems to identify areas of disparity and forestall erroneous data loss.
Automated and manual data cleaning is commonly performed in migration to improve data quality, eliminate redundant or obsolete information, and match the requirements of the new system.
Data migration phases (design, extraction, cleansing, load, verification) for applications of moderate to high complexity are commonly repeated several times before the new system is deployed.

Define of Data Migration provided by Wikipedia

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